This New Instagram Ads Feature Will Increase Your Sales By Over 50%

This new Instagram ads update is the best thing after jollof rice I’m super excited to make this video because I’m going to share with you how this new Instagram up ads updates is going to help increase your sales by over 35 percent now this is no cap right no BS I have tried this up in just a couple of days or hours I don’t know how long this update has been but it is a very it’s a new update and it’s quite effective why because it is still new yeah so when an update is new like that
you expect that it works better until more and more people start to jump on it and this is something you need to pay attention to these updates can only work when you run your Instagram adverts through the ads manager through your PC not when you use the Boost post on Instagram okay when you use the Boost post option this update is not there so you’re going to be limited I just want to brief you on that first so that we are we’re on the same page okay now this new update I will advise you if you are a business owner who has
an Instagram account or someone who wants to run and VAT on Instagram or make sales via Instagram you have to take advantage of this updates now you have to jump on it you have to start running those advert and I can assure you that you are going to see some tremendous increase in the number of new customers that you attract in your business I’m telling you from experience because I’ve done it and I’ve just a few days and I’ve seen amazing results all right good so you set up your adverts normally the
way you set up your advert on your ads manager select Instagram because you are sending the traffic to Instagram okay and the way you come here at the ad level at the ad level take notes at the ad level you select the page the Facebook page for the adverts then your Instagram page of course your Instagram account has to be connected to your Facebook page the normal way we’re not going to talk very much on that then you come down to um of course it is it has to be on manual for your Creative Source then single
image or video by the way guys please I’ll ask you to give this video a thumbs up just like this video because I want more people on YouTube to get to see this video I want more business owners more small business owners to watch this video to learn and to make sales to cash out this season let’s go like my video please and if you’re new to my channel I’d like to see more content on advert Instagram ads Facebook adverts how to make money online whatever it is please consider subscribing to my channel and
also turn on the Bell icon so you get to be among the first people to be notified whenever I publish videos so yeah we leave it at single image of video and then you come down select media okay we’re gonna select media here so we are going to add image you are going to add image now this works perfectly for instance let’s assume you are a you you sell uh fashion items it works for all kind of businesses so let’s not begin to assume let’s go you add image I’m going to use let’s use this picture
here let’s use this my picture okay so once you have selected this picture it’s going to show you the um the placement right the way it’s going to appear in your ads results so this is the recommended this is recommended this is the recommended way it’s going to appear in your art result then you select next here this is the update this is the update you need to start making use of this update in your advert in your Instagram advice for your business okay so by default for some ad accounts this is Switched Off
okay it’s called the advantage creative Advantage creative by default this is Switched Off you can see the standard enhancement here is off okay you can see the all optimization here is off so we are going to turn it on we turn it on so you can see it’s fully optimized if you turn it off you will see it’s not optimized you turn it on here it is fully optimized now what this allows you to do is that you use an image as your ad but Instagram converts it into a real and then gives people a new and different experience of your ad in new
and different ads experience they’re going to add music to it I’m going to show you exactly everything how it works now this is why this thing works very well because we have seen that on the platform on Instagram platform people engage more with reels Instagram is paying more attention on Wheels Instagram is pushing out more real content because they’re trying to arrive out the talk trying to video is taking over everybody knows that video content is taking over so Instagram is paying more attention to real Instagram is
pushing out more real content users on Instagram are more interested on reels these days and so for that reason Instagram brought out this update to help enhance Arts experience not many people are aware of this for now so they said we’ll apply a basic set of enhancements to optimize your ad creative and improve performance this can include things like automatically adjusting the aspect ratio of your image or video apply the template to your image to help it better fit setting ad placements right or display relevant
Facebook comments below your ad now this is where it gets interesting this can this Instagram can also make your this is your single image to become 3D animation all right but I’m not going to go into that the most important one I’m going into here is the music is the music stuff pay attention this your simple image that you just selected now you can use the music on it you can use the music on it all right this is this is the music section but before then let’s get to let’s do something let’s do something real quick let me
turn this off let me take this enough let’s go and create a a primary text and a headline primary text now let’s take for instance I want to sell I want to advertise this let’s assume I want to advertise this uh this handsome man now wants to run advice for business owners okay like this handsome manner is a merchandise I want to run advice for business owners um or let’s say you want to sell a product like this like this uh wireless microphone whatever you can just say original x y z for sale you now put all the details you
now put every necessary information right put every necessary information in the primary test okay now the primary text ideally should be coming up at the top here in the normal ad parameters should come up at the top here and then the headline should come up at the bottom headline gets 30 percent off on all others today get 30 percent of on all orders today so we go back to the uh go back to this media click on edit here so that we’re going to optimize it we turn it on it’s not fully optimized you’ll see what
happens when we turn it on Stay With Me can you now see and this is instead of the instead of the primary text to appear at the top at the top here the primary text is now appearing here it’s appearing here beneath this point at the moment at the moment and then your headline your headline will now appear at the top here your headline will appear at the top here so we simply go back here to the to this place to the headline to get 30 off today remember this is our headline it’s our headline here and our primary text up here okay so we
go to the edit again it’s fully optimized now as you can see fully optimized standard enhancement is on we check out for music so you can select your own music if you want to you can select your own music if you want to we can select your own music here or you can allow meta Instagram Facebook whatever you want to call it you can allow them to put an automatic music to your advert all these musics are reality free all these songs are Realty free okay so this is how your advert is going to appear the primary test is going to be here
(10:18) showing clearly and then the headline is going to be here get 30 off today if I say get 30 off on all orders today free delivery free shipping free whatever on all orders today this is an image a simple static image but this new update Instagram converts this image into a real to give you better experience the reason is because we have seen better Impressions from reels right over the over the past couple of months we have seen better ad impression from Instagram reels Instagram is pushing more reels Instagram is paying
more attention to Reels content creators on Instagram are putting out more real content just like Tick Tock so Instagram is now trying to arrive out this stuff and try to ramp up the Reel thereby making people to be more engaged in real content so you simply give Instagram a static picture so this is where you begin to use amazing crisp quality pictures of your business are you a travel agent are you into the fashion are you into gadgets are you into real estate whatever it is that you’re into whatever nice business you
are into you use a very good picture sizeable picture right not real size oh not big size picture just a decent sized image static image okay you place it and Instagram is going to do the whole of the magic and convert it into rules they’re going to do an automatic music like here automatic track or you can select any of the tracks here there’s there’s there are lots of songs here for you to select from you can select anyone and it is going to people are going to express it and it’s going to play alongside with your adverts all
right this ad this update is amazing I believe you are going to get a great experience from this update if you are very observant if you’re very very observant you will see that there are little changes that continuously go on in this image sometimes the image will be bolder sometimes it gets lesser sometimes it gets bigger sometimes it gets smaller so Instagram is trying out different display to serve different purpose to different people all right and it’s given a different color shape also as you can see the
color is moving the color is just color it’s color grading different color grids just to serve a better Arts experience to your audience this is a game changer at least for now we have seen amazing results with this kind with this concept at least for now it’s a new update I believe you should try out this update for your business and let me know what the result is okay it’s simple it’s straightforward just follow the same steps I used here and you are going to experience an amazing result in your advert make sure your
picture is your image is clean crisp clear and explains what you are selling and then use your headline effectively use the headline effectively all right because the headline is going to come at the top here and then the primary test is going to come beneath it beneath here so yeah go ahead try this out let me know what you think let me know the results you are getting if you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer your questions in the comments section below all right and if you want me to help you set up your adverts not
like I’m going to help you but you know we could just go over your advert via a zoom a zoom Life Class where I’ll be directing you on exactly what to do with what to press the kind of audience to Target I’ll also direct you on how to set up a retargeting advert right if you want me to help you do this you want me to work with you to do this very Zoom class um the price for now for my Nigerian audience the price is just

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