Target rich people using ads on FB and IG Buyer Facebook ad targeting

How you can target rich rich guys retreat girls research aunties and mommies on instagram on facebook who will buy your products and services because you know it’s me i will give you all the deals

okay and i’m going to show you how to do it while you are running ads so this video is going to be a little bit different it is not me here justin with you i’ll wait to take you straight to my computer and you will see it’s live at direct in my last video i mentioned that i’ll be giving shout out to two business owners who actually put up a comment here and also shared it on their stories on instagram so make sure you watch to the end to know who those two business owners are and hey if this video helps you to learn how to

target the rich people please make sure that you show some love comment share and subscribe subscribe what should i be making you to subscribe you want me to cry subscribe anyways so yeah this is what i plan to show you today so come over let’s go to my computer so guys we are here right in my screen and for you to get to where i am right now all you need to do is to go to business.facebook.

com to get started so i am not going to be teaching you exactly how to create an ad i’m just focusing on how to get rich rich aunties retreat or guys rich rich people that will buy your products and services on facebook as well as instagram so that is exactly what i’m focusing on so all i’m going to do is to show you how that is done so for you to do this you have to first of all create an ad right where you create an ad so for this ad i’m just going to use traffic or i can use conversions i like


to use conversions a lot because for me conversions works best i’m trying to see how to get more people to pay right ahead so you don’t want to just run as and it’s useless to him so he wants people that pay so while click on conversions you can you know name your ad campaign let’s call it ninja brand cheek um we’re not nothing serious today okay so call it niger brand check i’ll just copy and i’ll paste it here i’ll paste it here nothing serious do you understand so i click on continue


and when it comes up what happens that it i it takes me to a place where i have the campaign where i have the assets and where i have the ad itself so here we are we are in the three places where which is the first one is the campaign the second one is the ad set and the last one is the ad so here we are not going to be focusing on here we’re going to be focusing on the ad sets this is the ad set name which is still niger branching okay so we’re going to be focusing on ad sets so for here i want you to focus on purchases um


this also those things can be done for your you know when you’re learning how to run ads as i said i’m not here to teach you how to run ads i’m here to teach you how to target rich rich people people where they’re gonna drop the money so let’s continue so now to target rich people you have to go down to your interests okay so i’m just going to scroll down to the interests one second and um the interest on that detailed target in here can you see details are getting here so the interest on that detailed


targeting so i’m going to go here now what you’re going to be looking out for right is the kind of things that these people would like to buy right what are the kind of things that they will be interested in if you’re going to be if you’re rich what are the things you would like to buy do you understand where i’m coming from you like luxury stuff you like things of good life you like shopping you’re like you know you know you know you know what i’m talking about so we’re going to just


use one name which is the luxury luxury goods we’re going to just search for luxury goods and then look for things that are similar to luxury goods and then that is how we’re going to start finding our rich rich uncles and aunties who are going to be buying from us here on instagram and facebook so i’m going to type luxury luxury sometimes when you’re typing it to actually bring c it has brought it out lots regroups under interest i click on it now that i have put in logs request what i do is i try to


develop most of the time okay so click on subjections so now put in luxury goods it should give me different other suggestions that are related to luxury goods that my people who i’m trying to target those retreat people will also be looking for so you can see it has brought out expensive taste i gotta take it it has brought high net worth individuals hi first class travel somebody where they travel flex cars now think it’s thinking the irish people yeah business class people ah their rich people loves really saw those that go to luxury


results rich people luxury vehicle you know lost reach you know and real estate investing it’s not everybody that can invest in real estate honor ceo ah let us put it there farm that business can you see the things that you just go ahead and just be choosing the ones that you want those that like online shopping eh so you just be going executive directors you know we don’t want you know any kind people we want those that will give us money eh so frequent travelers are you seeing them are you seeing that


how i’m finding them so you can just go investor anyways that i wonder what is investor but are you seeing how i’m finding them so this is getting a little broad so i want to stop here so i i would advise that you don’t take a lot like i would advise that you just take very some few ones that are targeted to what you’re looking for so if it’s me i will not put luxury vehicle personally i will not put lots of results i will not put luxury r right ranch i’ll not put investor because i’m not looking for those kind
of people i personally also want to add business owners personally i also want to add entrepreneurship because i know that entrepreneurs also buy so now now after choosing this detailed targeting there’s something a lot of people miss out there’s something a lot of people miss out because now that i have targeted these people if you look at the audience definition they say it’s fairly broad that means you’re targeting a lot of people 25 35 million how much are you how much is it to run the ad that you’re getting 25


million like it’s a lot of people right so what i try to do is to focus a few and then use those few like i have different different ad sets so what i would have done personally i would have created different ad sets of doing all of them at once i will come and just take maybe one or two in one go and create another just duplicate from here duplicate the assets put another one or two put another one or until i have different assets right but all of them with detailed targeting of rich rich people just what i’m saying


when i’m done this is another thing i do you see this place the roads define further right so you can also use define for that or narrow audience depending on what you see on your own facebook so define folder what i will put here is now engaged engaged shoppers this one you ask me nelly why are you using engage shoppers let’s read what’s in this shop has made let me scroll up so that you see and understand why i chose english shoppers engage shoppers simply means hold on it simply means people who have clicked on a
call-to-action bottle in the past remember we’re looking for people who shop online rich rich aunties and uncles who shop online so now that we have collected this amount of people is a lot it’s a lot but all these people how many of them used to click that is the question so we narrow further we reduce it so if you see it has gone from 25 million to 2.


9 and you see what is happening it has gone from 285 million to 2.9 million we have brought it down do you understand so you need to make sure you look out for engaged shoppers so when you’re focusing on engaged shoppers your money is not a waste you’re looking out for the people who are most likely going to click and buy so that is exactly how you target rich rich people on instagram and facebook all you need to do is now make sure that you know your placements you know you put in your placement you put
it with your if it’s what’s up whatever your case you’re sending it to it’s fine and that is it so you go see your placement see i like to do i like to do manual placement right i don’t i don’t like audience network personally i don’t do messenger i do only facebook and instagram and then um i here i don’t do everywhere on facebook so i remove marketplace i remove um right column i remove if i leave the video feeds if i have a video but if i don’t have a video i don’t put it

instagram i put explore i put shop um sometimes i don’t shop because nigeria we don’t have shop let us not be lying to ourselves so i remove shop too so but if there’s reels i put rails okay so um yeah you can see here there’s instagram rails um there’s stories there’s you know you put those ones you know um here streaming i really don’t put on streaming personally um reels overlay that is the new one that facebook started so you we want to be on this place it is an awesome one i don’t put
on search because i don’t think a lot of people use that i don’t put an article i don’t want to spend my money on different places and yeah so these are the places where i put my money on if you notice my my my my audience everything does everything just drops it just drops exactly what i need so this is exactly how to target rich people if you want to know exactly also how to target people’s bad days your customers buddies or people who have events maybe you’re an event planner and you want to sell more


or you want just want to do things that have to do with events numbers bad days anniversaries wedding anniversaries office anniversary something sure i want to you want dates you want hey just tell me comment in the comment section and i will share that video with you next time so as discussed last week i will be sharing out to you two of my css which simply means my people who comment who subscribe and also share to their instagram stories right here and also trying to share back that love and also support your own
business so if it’s something you’re also interested in also make sure you also share watch to the end and tell other people about me so here is the first person and here is what she does and also this is the second person and what she does please help me to patronize these people buy from them and also if you want me to mention you in my youtube channel all you need to do is comment watch to the end subscribe and put it up on your instagram stories and tag me you can be the next person i will be putting up on my channel thank you so

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