She just made the naughty list.
A 62-year-old woman didn’t seem to be in the Christmas spirit when she slugged another spectator enjoying the festivities at an annual family Santa Claus parade in Canada, police said.
The woman reportedly became irate when the victim blocked her view of the procession.
“The female got into a dispute with a fellow parade-goer who allegedly obstructed her family’s view of the parade,” the St. Thomas Police Service said in a press release. “The suspect struck the victim in the face, knocking them to the ground.”

The Saturday evening incident in St. Thomas — 115 miles northeast of Detroit and 120 miles southwest of Toronto — landed that holiday slugger in handcuffs, according to police.
The woman, whose name was not released, was charged and cut loose pending a future court date.
The 38th annual parade, which this year had a theme of “Christmas at the Circus,” kicked off at 6 p.m. on Saturday and is sponsored by the Optimist Club of St. Thomas, the group’s website said.
The family friendly event carried on after the unfortunate scuffle.
The St. Thomas police department did not immediately respond to a request for more information.