How to Create Hub Pages Account On PC in Just Few Simple Steps on 2023

On a PC, setting up a HubPages account is a simple process. To create your account, follow these steps:

1. Open your favored internet browser on your PC.

2. Go to the HubPages site by composing “” into the program’s location bar and squeezing Enter.

3. On the HubPages landing page, click on the “Join” button situated at the upper right corner of the page.

4. You will be diverted to the enlistment page. By clicking on the appropriate buttons, you can sign up with your Facebook or Google accounts here. Click the “Sign Up with Email” button if you’d rather sign up using your email address.

5. You will be asked to enter your desired username, email address, and password if you selected the email sign-up option. Click the “Sign Up” or “Continue” button after entering the required information.

6. Then, you might be approached to check your email address. Browse your email inbox for a check email from HubPages and adhere to the guidelines gave to finish the confirmation interaction. In the event that you don’t see the email in your inbox, really look at your spam or garbage envelope.

7. When your email is confirmed, you’ll be guided back to the HubPages site. Right now, you can modify your profile by adding a profile picture, composing a bio, and giving other discretionary data. You also have the option of delaying doing this step.

8. You will be taken to your HubPages account dashboard once you have completed the profile customization or skipped it. You can start writing and publishing your own articles from this point, or you can look through the platform’s content.

It’s over! You have effectively made a HubPages account on your PC. You can now start using the platform to share your knowledge, write articles, and connect with other writers.

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